Non-Profit Organizations

If you are managing a non-profit organization, you have exposures to specific types of risks that a conventional business does not face. At K.S. Roth Insurance, we work with you, one-on-one, to ensure coverage where you need it, including:
Professional Liability
When employing medical professionals, counselors, or social workers you may be exposed to liability issues extending years beyond the time your organization worked with the claimant. Do you have adequate coverage?
Special vehicles, or equipment used to transport your agency’s clients, will require coverage as well as for volunteers who use their own vehicles.
Special Events
Fundraisers and special events are common to non-profits. Checking on each event with K.S. Roth Insurance Agency will ensure you have coverage for the specific activities you’re conducting — a special event policy may be required for one-time events.
Directors & Officers Liability
Volunteer trustees need to be protected financially if someone sues your organization—are you prepared?
Special Facilities
Classrooms, workshops, fitness rooms, swimming or therapy pools, camps, daycare center, and other types of special facilities have their own specific risks that require both preventative maintenance and special coverage.